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Supertree Grove in Singapore

Delivering Future Ready Buildings | An Integrated Approach

This conference will challenge the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (A|E|C) industry to reimagine the buildings of the future that are more adaptive, healthy, and sustainable, and to shape the minds of the next generation to get us there.

In partnership with Kansas State University and the University of Wyoming the Architectural Engineering Institute (AEI) is pleased to announce the 11th Biennial Professional Conference for 2025!
As the building industry races to 2050 to achieve Net Zero, the need to transform the built environment is clear. The building sector generates nearly 40 percent of all global carbon emissions. Urban population studies have predicted that another 230 billion square meters of new building stock will be needed by 2060.

Meeting the demands of the future to provide a new carbon-removal economy, adaptive smart buildings and resilient cities will require an integrative approach to the way we design and construct the built environment, as well as addressing how we educate and nurture tomorrow’s workforce. Together we can start taking crucial steps forward today by linking existing initiatives with the innovative goals of tomorrow.

Building a Knowledge Base for the NextGen

Join the conversation and share your technical expertise, and research findings, to address the challenges of tomorrow that we must face beyond energy efficiency—challenges related to carbon, materials, innovative technologies, and human health and wellbeing.

Top Reasons To Attend

  • Discover and debate innovative design and construction solutions to address the effects of our changing climate
  • Attend the 4 keynote sessions to learn from the top innovators in the field
  • Network with emerging professionals, future leaders, industry experts, and academics
  • Learn about current research agenda in the A|E|C industry
  • Earn PDHs by attending outstanding technical sessions — over 30 from which to choose
  • Visit exhibitors and vendors that offer technical solutions to help advance your organization
  • Experience the food, culture, and activities unique to Kansas City
  • Watch the AEI Student Design Competition and the AEI Professional Project Award Presentations
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